I don't see the button! Is this okay?
— No, it is not. You should see the official Telegram Login Widget, but if telegram.org is not accessible (for various reasons, maybe blocked in your country), you don't see anything.
I am just redirected back here.
— Enable third-party cookies in your browser or add oauth.telegram.org to exceptions.
  • Create a bot using @BotFather
  • How To Create a Bot, using @BotFather? video link
  • Create a Telegram Channel, and Add the previously created bot as administrator, send a message in the channel and Copy Link.
  • Login by tapping the button below
  • Then, paste the Bot Token, and the previously copied Link, in the appropriate Text Fields.
  • Please Note: All files sent to the bot, will be permananently available to all the users, till the file / message is available in the channel.
  • If you need to take down any file, please contact the original creator of the respective Telegram Bot. This service does not store / make available any files in any shape / form. We have absolutely no knowledge of the content that any users sends to their Telgram Bots, we don't save anything, not even the searches. Indexing process is completely manual. we don't check it. Whatever the stupid users suck in goes, The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. This is merely a bot creation tool, aimed at experimenting with the Telegram Login Widget.